What Types Of Gender-Affirming Care Are Available ?

Finding gender-affirming care may be daunting to those have realized that they are trans. Despite the freeing nature of realizing your authentic self, it can be overwhelming to realize what possibilities lie before you. Some care may seem obvious, but there is a lot of variety when it comes to gender-affirming care. HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) HRT is the most common medical intervention for trans people. For those who are pursuing a masculinizing HRT, your testosterone will be boosted. Read More 

Stop Doing These Things To Prevent Bloating

Are you dealing with bloating? It's a common condition that impacts most people at some point in their lives.  The good news is that you can prevent bloating by stopping some common activities or by not eating some foods. Here are some things you can do to stop bloating. Stop Drinking Carbonation One of the main culprits of bloating is carbonation. Carbonation is found in soda, beer, and some sparkling waters. Read More 

How A Medicare Enrollment Specialist Can Help You Choose Your Medicare Plan

When the time arrives to purchase your Medicare plan, you may be concerned about your choices. Depending on your health care needs, there are several plans and supplements available. One of the ways you can navigate these different areas of Medicare health care is to go through a Medicare enrollment specialist. Here are the ways that a specialist can help you and can guide you through the various plans available. Read More 

The Top Summer-Time Reasons for Children to Visit Medical Clinics

What are the top reasons for children to visit medical clinics in the summer? According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than a quarter of American children visited one of these clinics. Now that the weather is warmer, the sun is shining, and your child is out of school, take a look at why they might need an urgent care provider. Your Child Has a Sunburn Read More 

UTI No More: How To Seek Help

If you suspect that you have a urinary tract infection (UTI), you'll need to seek medical care as soon as possible. Luckily, there are excellent ways to get care quickly, including through a virtual healthcare setting. Here are three things to keep in mind if you suspect you have a UTI and how to seek help. Know Your Symptoms Before seeking medical treatment for your UTI, it can be helpful to make a comprehensive list of symptoms. Read More