Women who are giving birth are undergoing one of the most beautiful and satisfying experiences they will ever have in their life. Unfortunately, they may be unprepared for certain issues that can cause extreme levels of pain. One of these is a prolapsed bladder. Understanding this issue can help you and your OB doctor to take steps to prevent or treat it.
Pelvic Organ Prolapses Are Painful
A bladder prolapse falls under what is known as a pelvic organ prolapse.
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Carpal tunnel syndrome, an inflammation of the hand and wrist that can cause severe pain, affects many people. It often targets those who sit at a computer all day and who perform repetitive movements with their hands. Depending on the severity of your carpal tunnel syndrome, there can be several different things that you do to control the discomfort. Getting regular massages, treating the pain with ice, wearing braces, and more can all help to keep the symptoms at bay.
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Herpes zoster is in the same family of viruses that causes shingles and the chicken pox. However, when it manifests in the eye, it creates a number of distinct symptoms. Read on to learn about the virus and the eye disease treatment you can do for it.
1. Many Adults Harbor the Virus without Ever Experiencing Symptoms
The herpes zoster virus lives in the bodies of many healthy adults without ever causing any issues.
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Headaches are a problem that many people experience when they have a stressful lifestyle. However, you should not have to deal with headaches on a regular basis, especially if they are becoming too painful to cope with. You should get such a condition examined in a speedy manner, as unusual headaches can stem from you having a brain tumor. If there is a tumor present, you will need to make an appointment with a neurosurgeon to get it examined.
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If you have a loved one who is currently enrolled in an alcohol treatment program, then you may be concerned about whether or not your family member is able to use alcohol and hide that they are doing so. In the vast majority of cases, rehabilitation employees are well aware of the ways that individuals hide their alcohol abuse. Alcohol tests are used in many situations. Keep reading to learn about some facts about these tests that can help to determine whether an individual is abusing alcohol or not:
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