Cancer is a serious risk for people of all ages and from all walks of life and backgrounds. While most people worry about lung, breast, and prostate cancers, don't forget about skin cancer. Skin cancer can be caused by a genetic predisposition to the disease, by excess exposure to the sun, and by a wide range of other factors. The easiest way to keep skin cancer from getting out of control is by catching it early and getting help from a dermatologist.
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6 weeks after the delivery of your baby, you will be scheduled to visit your OB-GYN in order for them to give you a full checkup. This checkup is important for both physical, as well as mental reasons. This article will discuss 3 things your OB-GYN will do for you at your 6 week postpartum checkup, and why they are important.
Vaginal Checkup
If you have a vaginal delivery, your OB-GYN will check to make sure that things are healing up nicely in your vaginal area.
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Wisdom teeth are a source of numerous dental problems for an almost countless number of patients. In addition to being painful when they come in, the emergence of wisdom teeth can create major cosmetic and functional problems for the mouth. Not surprising, it is usually required to remove these teeth before these issues can emerge. However, many patients are not familiar with this routine problem, and as a result, there are likely a couple of questions about their wisdom teeth that they need addressed.
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Many people believe that arthritis is a disease that generally only affects the elderly. While this is generally true of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis is a variety of arthritis where the immune system works improperly and harms the joints in the body. Unlike osteoarthritis, this disease can strike children as well. This guide will explain what juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is, what the symptoms are, who's the most vulnerable and what you should do if you suspect your child is affected.
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If you're a meat lover, you probably enjoy a cooked-to-perfection steak, burgers on the grill, and tender filet mignon as part of your regular diet. You may be accustomed to eating red meat on a regular basis and can't imagine life without a good steak. However, one bite from a tiny insect could end your love affair with red meat forever.
Little insect, toxic bite
The Lone Star tick is a tiny insect found across the east, southeast, and southcentral United States.
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