The specifics surrounding the invention of eyeglasses are unclear. Some experts believe eyeglasses have been around since ancient civilizations, while others think that they were first designed in the late 11th century. While no one knows for sure who invented the first pair of eyeglasses, their history weaves a fascinating tale. Continue reading to learn more:
Reading Stones
The very first tool invented to improve a person's vision were reading stones.
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Tanning beds may give you the opportunity to get a beautiful tint to your skin, but they are also dangerous. The beds are able to give you results due to the ultraviolet radiation that they emit, which can cause basal skin cancer. Below, find out what causes basal skin cancer and how a dermatologist can treat it if you have it.
What is the Cause of Basal Skin Cancer?
Basal skin cancer can most commonly be found in people with fair skin, and it is caused from too much exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun or tanning beds.
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Do you love to make desserts? Are those desserts keeping you from losing weight? You're not alone. Plenty of women struggle with their conflicting desires to lose weight and to satisfy their sweet tooth. The good news is that you don't necessarily have to cut out sweets entirely to meet your weight loss goals. You just need to modify the types of desserts that you eat. There are some skinny recipes for your favorite desserts that use healthy ingredient substitutes.
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It is that time of year again. In the autumn, seasonal allergies are affecting people with full force. The symptoms you may have from seasonal allergies can be very annoying and may limit your everyday activities. Here are some of the systems you may have and how to relieve them.
A Brief Explanation
Seasonal allergies affect approximately 40 million Americans annually. Seasonal allergies are caused by the release of pollen or mold spores from plants.
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On your last visit to the optometrist, your eye tests revealed that you have unknowingly been suffering from glaucoma. While you may find yourself wondering what you could possibly do to deal with this newfound ailment, visiting an ophthalmologist will present you with your standard medical options, such as prescription eye drops, pills, and/or surgical interventions.
However, you may also want to take some steps on your own to help alleviate the symptoms and causes of your glaucoma.
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