UTI No More: How To Seek Help

If you suspect that you have a urinary tract infection (UTI), you'll need to seek medical care as soon as possible. Luckily, there are excellent ways to get care quickly, including through a virtual healthcare setting. Here are three things to keep in mind if you suspect you have a UTI and how to seek help.

Know Your Symptoms

Before seeking medical treatment for your UTI, it can be helpful to make a comprehensive list of symptoms. Not only will this help you identify which symptoms are causing you the most distress but can also serve as an excellent tool for your healthcare provider to recommend the best course of action. Common symptoms associated with a UTI include a burning sensation when urinating, the frequent urge to urinate, and discolored, cloudy urine. Even if you experience a mild form of these symptoms, don't hesitate to get help. The symptoms of a UTI can progress quickly so getting immediate care is recommended.  

Go Virtual 

UTIs can often come full force and symptoms can easily be overwhelming in just a short period of time. Rather than having to book an appointment and commute to a clinic, go virtual and speak to a medical professional during a telehealth appointment. Virtual care for treating UTIs is extremely effective, and this will be the right time to go over your list of symptoms with your doctor. Be sure to include any information regarding symptoms that are especially irritating or any past history of UTIs. During your virtual care visit, your doctor will be able to provide you with information on how to relieve symptoms as well as prescribe you medication that will treat the UTI. Follow-up appointments might be recommended, especially if this condition is a lingering one. 

Preventative Care

On top of getting immediate treatment for your UTI, the best thing you can do afterward is practice preventative care. Make sure that throughout the day, you're drinking plenty of water and staying hydrated. If you have difficulties keeping track of how much water you drink, a measured water bottle can be extremely helpful. When using the bathroom, always make sure you're wiping from front to back to prevent the spread of any bacteria near or around your urethra. Post-intercourse care is very important as well. Be sure that after you engage in sexual intercourse, you immediately urinate to flush away any lingering bacteria near your sensitive areas. 

Contact your doctor for more information about receiving virtual UTI treatment
