Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome: Symptoms And Diagnostic Workup

When your body does not manufacture enough of the hormone known as testosterone, you may develop testosterone deficiency syndrome, also known as Low-T. While testosterone deficiency syndrome can occur in men of all ages, it is more common in older males. Because other health conditions can mimic the symptoms of Low-T, you will need to make an appointment with a low testosterone specialist who can rule out or confirm the diagnosis. Here are some symptoms of testosterone deficiency syndrome and what you can expect from your diagnostic workup. 

Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome Symptoms 

Low testosterone levels can produce vague signs and symptoms such as fatigue, sleepiness, weakness, low energy, and memory problems. It can also cause more specific symptoms such as muscle mass loss, erectile dysfunction, diminished sex drive, and loss of body hair that are often caused by decreased levels of testosterone.

You may also feel depressed, experience mood swings, have trouble losing weight, and may gain weight even though your dietary or exercise habits have remained the same. Low-T symptoms may dramatically improve following treatment which may include supplemental testosterone therapy. Testosterone can be administered via patches, injections, nasal gels, slow-release oral preparations, and testosterone pellets, which are placed under your skin.

Diagnostic Workup For Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome

Before your low testosterone specialist performs a physical examination or orders blood or imaging tests, they will ask you some questions about your health, family history, and lifestyle. This is known as a medical history assessment and it can help your doctor make an accurate diagnosis. Your doctor may ask you about your symptoms if anyone in your family was ever diagnosed with low testosterone, if you have ever taken anabolic steroids, and if you have ever sustained a testicular injury.

After your medical history assessment is complete, your low testosterone specialist will begin their physical examination which may include assessing your abdominal circumference, checking your prostate gland for irregularities in shape and size, examining your breasts for gynecomastia, also known as male breast enlargement, and examining your testicles for abnormalities that may be associated with low levels of testosterone.

If you experience any of the above symptoms of testosterone deficiency syndrome, make an appointment with a low testosterone doctor. After they have performed a comprehensive examination they will recommend an individualized treatment plan to help restore your testosterone levels so that you can resume your activities of daily living symptom-free. 

To learn more, contact a company like Balanced Medical Solutions.
