How Reconstructive Surgery Helps Veterans With Battle Scars

Many brave soldiers risk their lives every day to protect their country and may end up getting injured as a result. These battle scars can be widespread and very upsetting to those who possess them. Some may see their scars as a constant reminder of their battles and find it nearly impossible to settle into civilian life. Thankfully, reconstructive surgery may help with this process.

Battle Scars Can Be Very Upsetting

Though soldiers are trained and prepared to handle the demands of war when it occurs, they unfortunately may suffer from physical battle scars that can be very upsetting. For example, a soldier may get shot many times in battle and go through on-the-field surgery to remove and seal these wounds. Though this surgery is lifesaving, it can be rough due to the situation and may leave scars.

Even if these scars are not visible, they can remind a veteran of their near-death experience and trigger PTSD and other emotional concerns. These types of emotions can become almost overwhelming for a veteran, making their transition back to civilian life hard by constantly reminding them of their differences from those around them. Thankfully, reconstructive surgery can help.

Ways Reconstructive Surgery Can Help

Reconstructive surgery can remove battle scar tissue from the wound area and take skin from other areas of the body — such as behind the leg where it won't be missed — and use it to create a smooth surface again. This type of surgery can be done on battle scars that may not be visible to the average person, such as on the torso, or on more visible areas like the face, shoulders, arms, or anywhere else that is highly visible.

Once a veteran has eliminated these battle scars, they can start focusing on their life as a civilian and return to their normal day-to-day activities. And they can feel better about themselves if their scar tissue affected their appearance — they won't lack self-esteem as a result and won't have that feeling that everybody "feels sorry for them" as a result of their scar tissue.

Reconstructive surgery of this type may require a few different visits to properly finish. The first is to assess the extent of the scarring and to come up with a treatment plan. The second removes the tissue and replaces it with new flesh. Follow-up visits ensure that the tissue is holding and the surgery is successful.

For more information about reconstructive surgery, contact a local medical clinic.
